WhatsApp Doc?

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What'sApp Doc


Communicating ‘island style’


Boy, am I glad there were no smart phones when I was a young man. Not necessary to go into details, but let’s just say I did some crazy things!

In my lifetime, I have seen the rise and fall of telex, fax and typewriters. I watched cell phones go from being as big as a small suitcase… to itsy bitty flips… to today’s smart phones.

People used to talk or write letters, but now communication is centered on a mini computer device that fits in your pocket. We post, we text, we comment and we take a lot of photos.

On the island it’s the same. With no newspaper, we use Facebook to catch up on island news, post our current “feelings” or create events for fundraisers, birthdays or get-togethers among friends.

Facebook Messenger is the tool of choice to check on folks or arrange our days. Heaven forbid we pick up the phone and actually call someone.

And then along came WhatsApp. If the person who created this app charged only 99 cents to download, he would be a zillionaire.

As Wi-Fi grows on the island, even if we do decide for some silly reason to call someone, we are shifting to WhatsApp. Why? Because it is free.

What a fantastic invention. Greatest thing since sliced bread!

My wife Barbara can call her father in Italy and talk as long as they want with no charge. Now getting her father trained to smart-phone technology is another story and continues to be a learning process but it works (thank you Google Translator).

When I need to order from Roatan Provisions, I send a WhatsApp message to Jose…

When I want to order wine, I send a WhatsApp to the Duty Free shop…

Then voilà, my order is delivered.

Proof of payment by bank transfer or an invoice for Danny at RAS… sent via WhatsApp photo.

Yes, “what a fascinating modern age we live in,” as Russell Crowe stated in Master and Commander, though that took place in the 1800s and he was talking about boat building technology.

You see, things are constantly changing and that unfortunately has some downsides.

The young generation type, not write. Most don’t even know what cursive is. Some cannot tell time on an analog clock. It’s just too easy to use your phone. We’ve quickly become addicted to the little bugger and find ourselves staring at it endlessly.

And believe me, I am no different.

When I was kid, on Sundays we would go for a family drive to visit someone and we enjoyed it, though we dreaded listening to whatever awful music my father chose on the radio.

I am not saying modern technology has ruined us but I am a bit old fashioned and prefer face to face conversations.

Try putting down your phone and enjoy a beach day at West Bay Beach…

Visit the Roatan Island Brewery for their weekly Sunday Funday…

Or hit West End for a swim in Half Moon Bay in front of Ginger’s Caribbean Grill, catch some live music there and then stroll down to Sundowners for sunset cocktails.

You can head in the opposite direction and road trip it to the east for secluded beaches and fun restaurants. Here on the island, Sundays are for spontaneity.

So jump on your ‘trusty steed’ – your car, scooter or taxi – and go visit someone. Or better yet, meet up with friends at one of the island’s wonderful gathering spots.

Just be sure to WhatsApp them first!


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