Blue Skies over Roatan

Signs from the Universe

If you’re old enough, you may remember the TV show “Here Come the Brides” that aired from 1967 to 1970. 

You also might recall the theme song “Seattle,” which was written by Perry Como but performed by ‘the then’ dreamboat Bobby Sherman for the show.

The bluest skies you’ve ever seen in Seattle

And the hills the greenest green in Seattle

Like a beautiful child growing up free and wild

Full of hopes and full of fears

Full of laughter full of tears

Full of dreams to last the years in Seattle

In Seattle

Now… substitute Roatan for Seattle… 

And it makes more sense… at least to me… and I imagine to many who live here.

Fifteen years ago when we first arrived on Roatan, Barbara and I were amazed by the skies over the island…

Deep, deep blue with ever-changing puffy clouds that formed recognizable shapes. 

We saw everything from old men… to barking dogs… to cherubic faces gazing toward the heavens… and everything in between. 

We felt like kids again, pointing out shapes, agreeing, disagreeing and laughing endlessly.

Then as the day was coming to a close, we watched the sun kiss the sea, hoping to catch the elusive “green flash.” 

The green flash and green ray are meteorologicaloptical phenomena that sometimes occur transiently around the moment of sunset or sunrise. When the conditions are right, a distinct green spot is briefly visible above the upper rim of the sun‘s disk; the green appearance usually lasts for no more than two seconds. Rarely, the green flash can resemble a green ray shooting up from the sunset or sunrise point.

We didn’t see it with that sunset… but have many times since then.

Next, the stars and planets came out. 

Roatan has very little light pollution… the starry skies are brilliant and magical. If you’re lucky enough to catch the Milky Way… it’s downright mesmerizing. 

How easy it is to while away an evening… pondering many unanswered questions in the universe… as well as in one’s own life.

For us, that one day was a defining moment in our lives. Roatan had touched us and it never let go. 

A few years passed, but yes, we finally picked up and moved, and we’ve never looked back. 

My friend and editor always gives the best advice. <grin>

Toss it out to the Universe and see what comes back.

Well, that’s just what we did and our stars aligned perfectly in the skies over Roatan.

Thank you for being with us this year… please come and see us soon.

Our warmest wishes for peace and happiness… and a fresh start to 2021!

John and Barbara Morris

P.S. By the way, I’ve heard that Roatan sunrises are spectacular… but I’ve never seen one. I like to sleep in!



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