Bourne Again

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Bourne Again


Opportunities in paradise


I love Jason Bourne movies. It’s one of those series that, when channel surfing, you just have to stop and watch until the end, no matter where you jump in.

My favorite is The Bourne Identity. I especially like the ending, when Jason shows up in Mykonos, Greece, surprising Marie who is running a shop that rents scooters to tourists.

If you don’t know it, you can watch the ending here: The Bourne Identity Ending Scene.

I often tease my wife Barbara, telling her when I “retire”, that’s what I want to do… rent scooters to tourists on an island in the sun!

Honestly, how many of you have the same dream? I don’t mean just renting scooters, but having a viable business on a Caribbean island.

Let’s face it, nobody really retires anymore even with a fat bank account. We’re all afraid of boredom or worse – idle minds are the devil’s workshop, right?

Roatan is an island that survives on tourism… and tourists need something to do, restaurants to visit and places to see.

There are many islander-owned businesses but also a large expat community that owns and operates a variety of successful concerns. Starting a new business here can be a bit more difficult though, as you must first find a location before going through the necessary steps.

Purchasing an existing business can get things rolling more quickly. I won’t go into the legal details as it is well covered and explained here in the Roatan Relocation & Investment Guide.

As of this writing, there are 39 businesses for sale on the island of Roatan ranging from B&Bs to retail shops to restaurants and even a spa.

First question people always ask is, why are they for sale? Reasons vary but often it is the desire to really retire, the need to move back “home” to care for elderly parents or simply the pursuit of a new adventure.  Whatever the reason, this becomes your opportunity in paradise.

As a realtor, I often get inquiries for a B&B, hotel or a restaurant. They seem to be at the top of the dream list for a second lease on life. It always helps to have some previous experience, but whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks was wrong!

I personally spent 25 years in sales for a textile firm (boring as hell) before coming to the island. Since then, I launched a radio station, ran a boutique hotel and restaurant, taught school, wrote for an island magazine and now I’m a realtor and an aspiring author!

If I can do it, so can you!

My friend Carl came to Roatan some 20 years ago and has had several successful restaurants around the island as well as consulting with others here and on mainland Honduras.

Who remembers the Reggae Bar & Grill in West End, circa 1999?

In his case, he wants to semi retire, restore a vintage Willys and operate a food truck… so he’s put an island icon, Cal’s Cantina, up for sale.

Cal’s is unique as it includes land, buildings, a successful business and training, if so desired. The food is incredible, as is the jaw-dropping view… and within the building is a spacious living area in the vein of a Tuscan villa.

Then there is Mayoka Lodge, a former prosperous boutique hotel and restaurant, recently closed due to owner relocation for family reasons. With a motivated seller, it is the steal of the island for those with slightly deeper pockets.

Dreams of owning a business in the Caribbean can become a reality… your reality! It just takes that first step, but isn’t that always the way?

Go find your Marie and be Bourne again!

This Week’s Related Links:

Cal’s Cantina

Mayoka Lodge

Businesses for sale on MLS


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