Live and Invest – John Morris Blog

Where the Grass is Always Greener…

Where the Grass is Always Greener…

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS And Roatan’s reef is getting healthier   A few weeks ago, I posted the following on my Facebook page: Here is a philosophical question for my fellow residents of Roatan… If you were forced to move elsewhere, where would you go? Just pretend that the world is your oyster. The answers varied and aside from the expected jokesters, the winners were Spain and the colonial...

“Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da”

“Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da”

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS Life on Roatan carries on…   With the world tipped on its edge, many traditional ways of conducting business may be forever changed. This is not the first virus and for sure it won’t be the last. While there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus on the island of Roatan as of this writing, we all know that could change at any time. Life does go on and that includes the...

For What It’s Worth

For What It’s Worth

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS Getting the most value out of your Roatan property…   So, it is time to sell. No matter the reason or the location, you need to get every single penny out of your investment as there is no way you are going to let your precious property go for less than what you have invested. Am I right? Well, you may be wrong. First rule to remember is… not everyone is you. Beauty...

Island Dreaming

Island Dreaming

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS What is your reason for buying on Roatan?   There are many reasons to dive into island living – warm weather, white sandy beaches and a truly laid-back lifestyle… far different than most of you lead. But those are the obvious. As realtors, the reason we ask this question is to fine tune what you are looking for because the real motives vary greatly and this beautiful...

Follow The Code

Follow the Code

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS Keeping Roatan realtors in shape…   According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word ‘code’ is used both as a noun and a verb with six different definitions. Today I’m focused on this one: “a set of rules and standards adhered to by a society, class, or individual” When I think of code in this context, what comes to mind immediately is the United States...

Teach Your Children

Teach Your Children

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS Growing up the old-fashioned way on Roatan…   Back in 1970, Cat Stevens released the album Tea for the Tillerman that opens with the song Where Do the Children Play? The refrain asks: I know we've come a long way We're changing day to day But tell me, where do the children play? According to Wikipedia, the song reflects awareness of the turmoil of the late 1960s and...

Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS You won’t die of thirst or starve on Roatan…   Let's face it, we can’t always go out to a restaurant to eat. I mean, you could but it tends to add up moneywise and maybe you enjoy cooking or are with someone who does. Most of us untrained chefs learned from our family members, and recipes were passed down over generations. We simply grew up with it. For me, there’s...

Green is Good

Green is Good

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS Roatan’s natural beauty is all around us…   In the early 1600’s, when Samuel de Champlain first laid eyes on what is now Vermont, he named the majestic landscape “Mont Verde” meaning green mountains in French. Obviously the name stuck with a little English adjustment – you know adjective before the noun. Today Vermont is known as a creative haven for wandering...

Here’s to a Long Life!

Here’s to a Long Life!

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS Roatan Expats Doing it Better   Benjamin Franklin once wrote: Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. He was not the first to use this phrase and it still rings true today. Fortunately, living on Roatan can help with one and may help with...

Are You Hungry?

WRITTEN by JOHN MORRIS Roatan offers amazing tasty eats in every price range   Anthony Bourdain said, “Good food is very often, even most often, simple food.” Believe me, I could not agree more. Having just returned from Italy, the land of divine food, I have to admit I actually found myself missing the varied cuisine available on Roatan. Crazy right? Not really. This is no criticism...



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