Always Bring A Towel

Always bring a towel


Happy adventures on the island of Roatan


Life on the island never goes in a straight line. Plan as much as you want, but I guarantee your day will likely deviate.

I guess the problem is that most of us have too many friends. Tough problem, I know, and of course I am kidding, but when that phone rings, who knows what the next move will be?

While some of us cannot let go of the ‘old ways’ and we plan events weeks in advance… post on Facebook… invite friends… and excitedly anticipate the gathering…

Most happenings here are much more spur of the moment and frankly, these tend to be the most memorable.

When the Women’s World Cup soccer final was scheduled to be televised live here on a Sunday at 9 a.m., my good friend Marion arranged to meet Cary, another friend at the Beach Grill next door for their famous bottomless mimosas and hearty breakfast.

Barbara and I were invited but we were having trouble getting motivated that morning, and we had no plans (yet). 

At 8:50 a.m., I got a phone call. Marion’s voice, in a panic, proclaimed that the local cable company service just went down and Cary was nowhere to be found.

“May I come over NOW?” she pleaded. “Of course,” I said.

To be clear, I do not have cable but am pretty savvy with internet TV so I launched a search and discovered that I could stream FOX Sports. One big problem solved.

Meanwhile Cary showed up next door to the empty restaurant and quickly made her way to our place.

But hmmmm… no food in the fridge other than four sausage patties and a drawer full of vegetables (I am on diet as usual). So next, off to the PetroSun gas station to scrounge up whatever we could find.

Armed with eggs, cheap champagne, fresh orange juice and Bimbo bread (no bacon –take note PetroSun – we need bacon in the future), Barbara quickly got to work and whipped up a frittata with sausage and hot buttered toast (despite rock hard frozen butter).

We were not to be denied and neither was the USA women’s soccer team!

We enjoyed our mimosas, breakfast and of course the big USA win. The day continued its meandering path as we headed to the beach at Ginger’s, and in the end a great time was had by all. No plans – yeah right!

Spontaneity is not just the key to life… but on Roatan, a way of life. I love it.

One particular Friday night, again with no plans for the weekend, we suggested to Marion that we road trip the next morning in (my recently restored) 1984 Grand Wagoneer to Camp Bay, on the far east end of the island.

Who doesn’t love a road trip? We hit Eldon’s Supermarket for supplies and we were off.

It’s worth mentioning that the Waggy’s air conditioning does not work AND it was a hot day… AND the road to Camp Bay is dirt… AND it had not rained in two months.

A major recipe for dust, and I mean dust everywhere!

We arrived at Camp Bay Lodge, coated from head to toe – but no worries – we wasted no time getting in the water with Prosecco in hand, laughing at ourselves and our adventure. The only problem we did not consider was that we had to go home.

But in the end we didn’t care… because we had towels.

You may not know Marion, but she is accustomed to driving her “Truckie”, an old Toyota pickup with about a million miles on it (also with broken a/c). She is always prepared with towels – one, two or three in her bag at all times.

Sweaty and salty, happy and dusty, we all made it home that night with Marion gleefully driving Waggy most of the way.

It felt just like a movie when we passed through the congested community of Los Fuertes…

Most Islanders have never seen a Wagoneer, and ours is the only one on Roatan. Heads turned and people were yelling, “Classico, Classico!” as we paraded through town.

At least we were somewhat presentable, thanks to the towels, as we waved back, laughing and smiling.

So in the great words of the late Douglas Adams, from one of my favorite books, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe

When on an adventure, “Always bring a towel!”


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