Little Things Mean a Lot

Little Things Mean a Lot


Excellence is in the details…


“Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and died that distinguish one from another.” —Ernest Hemingway

So you want to sell your house or land. Whether it be on Roatan or anywhere else in the world, the more prepared you are… the better the chances it will move quickly.

And this my friends, has many layers.

First, you need to choose an agent/broker you feel comfortable with, someone who will help and guide you through this process.

  • How will they market your property?
  • Who will do the photography?
  • Do you need to make the property more desirable?

All important decisions.

Agents and brokers focus on helping clients but you need to be confident that your agent also focuses on you, the seller. Changing agents in midstream is not fun so best to get it right the first time around.

Next, imagine you are the potential buyer of your property.

Remember what sold you on it originally and recreate or better yet, improve upon it. Look carefully at every detail.

Of course you do not want to spend a lot of money on what you are now trying to sell… but every little bit helps. Paint if necessary… landscape a bit… and make sure it’s clean!

Pay attention to the decor and the property’s distinctive features. It can make thousands of dollars difference in the selling price.

Then, prepare for the photo shoot.

First impressions are everything – right? If the pictures are not carefully thought out and presented, the ideal buyer could pass right over your listing.

Having spent time with HGTV watching them “stage” properties, among other things, their incredible attention to lighting taught me the importance of these details.

If you cannot present the property as the naked human eye would see it, then frankly, it is deception. You would not believe how many times I have heard a client say that the photos looked different on the listing. Personally, I find this somewhat embarrassing.

Recently, we did a photo shoot for a new listing. The owner is very particular and spent a lot of time preparing… I mean a LOT of time.

But when the shoot was done, not only was the photographer over the moon, his resulting work was in a word… stunning. Compliments abounded when it was publicized and continue.

In this day and age, it seems that smart phones make all of us a photographer but after my experience with HGTV and this past photo shoot, I don’t agree. Film and photography are still an art form – an acquired and learned talent.

Before you list your property, mind my words and think it over carefully. Yes, you want to sell but at the price you have in mind. Your hard work and attention to details will pay off.

Trust me when I say… every little thing means a lot.


This Week’s Related Links:

Treetops custom home featured on HGTV – Caribbean Life

HGTV-Caribbean Life – Episode with our client!


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