Love is in the Air

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Love is in the Air


Finding romance on Roatan Island


In 1978, my high school graduation year, John Paul Young had a big hit on the airwaves.

Love is in the air, in the whisper of the tree

Love is in the air, in the thunder of the sea

And I don’t know if I’m just dreaming

Don’t know if I feel safe

But it’s something that I must believe in

And it’s there when you call out my name

My wife Barbara and I did not fall in love on the island, but maybe Roatan sealed the deal.

The island exudes love, not only for another person but for many other things…

Animals… the environment… and for just simply being a human being.

I don’t know what it is, I can’t put my finger on it, but people generally feel better here. They heal from past lives and begin again, and that often leads to loving another person, someone new.

Because we are such a diverse ex-pat community, it is more than likely that person could be from another culture.

In the old days, you married a guy or girl from town or school, right?

Not here. If you find someone from your home town on Roatan, it becomes a reason for celebration, like we need another one!

So, there that person is… you meet… and you fall in love.

In most cases, the fun just simply begins.

You are from England and she is from Argentina… she is from Honduras and you are from Canada… or in my case, I am from the USA and my beautiful wife is from Italy.

All good, right? Well, not always.

Inevitably there is a culture clash. Holiday traditions will vary and language may be challenging… but if it is true love – you know the saying – it will prevail.

I am sure some of you are thinking that there are not enough single men/women in your particular age range and perhaps, you are correct. But the truth is that Roatan’s population is growing and I see more and more new faces every day.

Be patient.

Dating in the first world has gone almost completely online. Google it and the choices are abundant. In fact, many couples I know here on Roatan met that way prior to moving to the island.

But here, we are still a bit old fashioned.

Meet at a bar or on the beach or be introduced to a friend of a friend. Like anywhere else, some relationships last and some don’t.

Temptations can run high and island life can be challenging at times. But is it really any different than the rest of the world?

For those of you single folks thinking about moving to Roatan, fear not as Roatan is truly a magical place. It is sunny and warm most of the time which always puts you in a positive frame of mind.

Roatan just makes you feel good and that is an important step to finding love, whether it be another person or a cause.

Love is in the air on Roatan… you just have to breathe it in.


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