Questions in a Third World

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Questions in a Third World


Notions of first-time travelers to Roatan


The term Third World country originated out of the Cold War Era during the 1950’s and 1960’s referring to countries that were not associated either with the NATO group of nations or the Communist Bloc.

Often former colonies, the countries inheriting this designation were later referred to as Developing Countries which really means that they were not up to speed with the rest of the world.

But is it true?

Honduras has always had this label spilling over into the perceptions of the first-time traveler to our little island of Roatan. And this my friends, leads to some very funny questions about life here.

I have a friend who manages a popular tourist attraction on a small cay which caters to both cruise shippers and vacationers. One day just for fun, she posted some questions she has been asked over the years and these make me laugh every time I think of them.

Please note I am not trying to be critical of our tourist economy and our visitors, but when it comes to people, it takes all kinds, right?

OK, here we go…

Can I swim under the island?

Is the Caribbean Sea salty or fresh water?

Is the reef here real or fake? Because in Disney World it is fake.

Are those the mountains of Texas? Referring to the mountains of mainland of Honduras that are visible on a clear day.

Is that snow on those mountains? Actually clouds.

Are we in Montego Bay? Because Carnival has this port listed as Mahogany Bay, not Roatan.

And finally, one very angry visitor dashed out of the sea with a horrified look on her face, screaming – “You did not tell me there are fish in the sea!”

You see, the expectations of visiting a third world country conjure up some strange thoughts in folk’s heads.

Real estate clients have asked me if we have ice, indoor plumbing and hot water on the island. Of course we do!

People are amazed that we have cars, cell phones, internet and cable TV! The list goes on and on but you get my drift.

Personally, I will take a third world over a first world any day. So back to my point… is Roatan really a third-world destination?

Good question! Let me know what you think.


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